SEPTEMBER 26th - Avoid Prison

On this day in 1824 Chiefess Kapiolani wanted to prove to the people of Hawaii that their belief in the pagan gods of old was misplaced. So despite the warning of priests who foretold mortal danger, Kapiolani defied the Volcano Goddess Pele and walked right up to a river of molten lava and declared her Christian God the true God before eating berries that were historically given as sacrifice to Pele while she stood before a river of fire that could have charred her flesh. That is certainly one way to make a point. It required a great deal of courage and faith. And I do not want to belittle the achievement by any means. I’m just wondering if maybe she shouldn’t have picked on a god with a little less pop. I mean why go after The Volcano Goddess? What’s wrong with Winifred the Goddess of Gentle Breezes? Or Leani, Goddess of Babbling Brooks? I’m no geologist but on my list of dangerous things molten lava is pretty high up there. But I guess it’s like prison where you want to show everyone that you are not a person to be trifled with, so go after the baddest dude in the joint. But they never show you what happens to the guy/girl who tries that and is not successful. My guess is that he/she spends an indeterminate amount of time caught in an existence similar to the parts of Sleepers, Shawshank, and Oz that made you cringe. Or in other words. Things don’t go well. But it all worked out for Kapiolani, who bravely led her people into a new era and maybe that was because she defied such a powerful god. Not sure how that equates to the prison theory though. My advice--okay, it’s not really my advice. A very wise street-performer gave it to me. It was more impressive because he was juggling baby kittens while doing the moonwalk. Avoid prison. Even if it’s of your own making. (Or Creed’s.) And if you don’t listen to moonwalking, kitten-jugglers than shame. Shame on you.

This day has been Marked.


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