SEPTEMBER 10th - When Inflation Hit Peanuts

(NSFW but it is Robin Williams and it's f@#%ing funny).

On this day in 1992, Lucy van Pelt of Peanuts fame increased the price of her Psychiatric Help Booth from 5 cents to 47 cents. That is a pretty hefty price increase, but still pretty cheap considering the price that some headshrinkers charge to tell you that your father didn’t hug you enough and you need to learn how to let go of your anger. Not to make light of mental health, but it seems like the people who really need psychiatric care don't get it, and everybody else is on some type of happy pill. And though the irony of Robin Williams’ depression is not lost on me, I still crack up when he talks about Fukitol. Really, I just think that Lucy was on to something. Some people definitely need professional and pharmaceutical help, but others just need someone to vent to. A child charging 5 cents to 47 cents would work just dandy. The thing about problems is that they’re very easy to solve. If they aren’t your problems. I’d venture to bet that psychiatrists are just as screwed up as everyone else. But when you get some outside advice things can become a lot clearer. Then again, Linus continued having a security blanket and Charlie kept trusting Lucy not pull the ball away, so maybe amateur Dr. van Pelt wasn’t a viable alternative. But for 5 cents, I would take the chance. The same for 47 cents, though it does seem like inflation hit the Peanuts universe all at once.

This day has been Marked.


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