AUGUST 4th - The Bee Driver

On this day in 1994, a truck transporting 24 million honeybees overturned on a highway in New York near Tarrytown. Seeing a tractor-trailer upend on the highway would be scary enough, but can you imagine seeing millions of bees start to swarm out of the wreckage? That’s probably one of the worst things in a truck that can overturn. I can think of worse though. Like nuclear waste for instance. Though I’m hopeful that we don’t transport nuclear waste in eighteen wheelers driven by some guy who finds it necessary to cut down his name just so he can add a really great truck-driving handle like “One-Trip Trav” or “Big-Rig Rand.” I wouldn’t feel too safe knowing there was an interstate network of trucks driving around with radioactive material that could possibly be driven by a guy more focused on trying not to spill his breakfast burrito on his Dungarees than obeying the rules of the road. Not to talk trash about truck drivers. They have a tough job, and that stuff has to get where it’s going some kind of way until we find a way to teleport items, and I’m sure most of them do a heck of a job. But unfortunately, it only takes ones little miscalculation, and suddenly there are millions of bees stinging innocent commuters and the highway is transformed into one massive scene from Tommy Boy, except for real. However, if we combined the incidents (bees and nuclear radioactive waste) we might be on to something. Let’s just say that we did live in a country that was foolish enough to transport radioactive nuclear waste in trucks. And let’s just say that a down-on-his-luck truck driver somewhat similar to Lincoln Hawk in Over the Top (minus the whole arm wrestling thing) has taken one last job transporting honeybees for a nice, old bee farmer named Sal Sisto. Well Bee Driving Lincoln Hawk gets run off the road by One-Trip Trav who veered out of his lane when the contents of his breakfast burrito spill and burn his lap. Of course One-Trip Trav is driving a truck full nuclear waste. There is a big wreck, One-Trip Trav is killed instantly (or so we think), and the contents of the trucks intermingle creating 24 million suped-up bees that sting Bee-Driving Lincoln Hawk multiple times transforming him into a super-human mutant with the bee-like powers to fly, produce honey, and spell. Boom. Call Michael Bay. The origin story of The Bee Driver. Or Super Bee. Or Mind Your Beesness. I don’t know. But let’s make this movie happen.

This day has been Marked.


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