AUGUST 18th - Doopity Helium Doo

On this day in 1868, French astronomer Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen discovered helium by using a spectroscope during a total eclipse. In a coincidental and epic display of scientific nerdiness, English astronomer Joseph Norman Lockyer was also able to distinguish helium during regular daylight in October. Either because Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen was taking his sweet-ass time or because Lockyer was a whiz when it came to writing up scientific findings, both papers were received at the same time, making Janssen and Lockyer the co-discovers of helium. If you want to get super technical about things, and I know you do, you could add William Ramsay into the mix because he was the first to discover terrestrial helium 30 years later. Basically the whole thing is one big gaseous mess. But since it is already one complete cluster, I propose that we just add to it. To round out the Mt. Rushmore of Helium, the first person who either knowingly or accidentally huffed him or her some helium to make his or her voice sound like Alvin or one of the other chipmunks should be recognized. Let’s face it that’s really the only thing you know about helium, right? You fill balloons with it, which has some useful applications, and you inhale a bit to make you sound as if a tiny alien has taken residence inside your vocal chords, which is highly entertaining. Basically, helium is like an infomercial hosted by a gaggle of oompa loompas--functional and highly entertaining. Doopity doo.

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