AUGUST 11th - Sprinkler Applications

How many times have you been sitting in the hot, hot sun in the middle of August sweating out the toxins that you may or may not regularly pump into your body, wishing that you had a swimming pool to cool off in, when you realize, “Hey now, all I need is my sprinkler?” Well you can thank Harry S. Parmelee and the patent for a sprinkler head he received on this day in 1874 for all of the childhood memories of you and the neighborhood kids jumping through the water like you were spritely wood nymphs. Or, you know, Poseidon or Aquaman or some equally impressive god of water. Whatever floated your boat. Or you could thank Harry for that one time when you passed out in the front lawn after a night of partying when you were a toonsy bit older, and you were given a nice little wake up by Mr. Parmelee’s invention as the sun came up and your crotchety old neighbor shook his head and vowed you would never meet his cute granddaughter/son that your parents had been trying to set you up with for the longest time. Because this is a neighborhood. And you’re a degenerate. Of course today’s kids probably don’t have these great nostalgic experiences. Not that I did either. Not the second one. But I saw it happen in some 80’s movies. But today’s kids can play Candy Crush on Facebook and Snapchat their high scores to their Instagram friends after they find out how to beat the high scores on Reddit. They could play with sprinkler heads if they wanted to. But they will probably just see it happen in 80’s movies. And there's nothing wrong with that. Plus there are also some other applications for sprinkler heads. Apparently they give water to grass and plants and stuff. And that makes everybody happy. Even the spritely wood nymphs. Or Poseidon or Aquaman.

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