JULY 25th - Breathe in Deep

Perhaps the greatest advancement in modern medicine occurred on this day last year when British scientists announced a breakthrough that could change life as we know it. They figured out how to cure cat allergies. Finally. If you had any idea how many times I’ve sat around staring at an empty apartment just wishing that I could have a feline around to not care about my existence as it stalked around quietly or sunned itself lazily on my window sill, only to be foiled by the cat allergies that I don’t have. Actually that has never happened. And I’m not going to turn this into a dog-cat thing; though I think there is a reason there are twice as many cat allergies as dog allergies. But this new advancement, in which a pill should be ready four years from now, will finally even the playing field. I will say that I am super excited that scientists found a cure for something that is such a universal issue. Forget cancer. Or AIDS. Or even mononucleosis. More people suffer from cat allergies than have seen the movie Gigli. That's outrageous (and possibly true). Yes Gigli came out at the height of the Bennifer debacle, but it’s still an incredible slice of life that can remind you that even someone as good-looking as Ben Affleck can’t turn a lesbian Jennifer Lopez straight. It’s a very important message. It’s almost as important as curing cat allergies. But very few things are that important. So grab your cuddly little critter that used to only be good for silly internet videos and breathe in deep my friend. Four years from now you won’t need to take an antihistamine to play with Mr. Mittens. You’ll just have to take a cat allergy pill. Science. The possibilities are endless.

This day has been Marked.


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