JULY 21st - You Could've Played Tic-Tac-Toe

July 21st, 1873. You’re on a train rolling through Adair, Iowa. You’re probably a little bored. You’re in Iowa. In 1873. You think to yourself, nothing exciting ever happens to me. I wish just once, I could get a little excitement. Odds are you wanted to see a circus. Or spot a mountain lion killing a deer. Or a black bear doing a tumble set. Just a little something to break up the monotony. But you, my friend, you tempted fate. Fate ain’t all bout dat. What fate has in store for you and your whining on this day is a little visit from the James-Younger Gang. You know Jesse James. Frank James. Cole Younger. And bunch of other Youngers. And some other people. You know, the guy Brad Pitt played in that movie when Casey Affleck sucker-shot him. Was that a term in the Old West? Should’ve been, am I right? Like Jesse James would have robbed a few more banks if Robert Ford wouldn’t have sucker-shot him in the back of the head. But back to you and your wish for some thrills. The James-Younger Gang pulled some of the track, and that train went all kablooey. The engineer was killed instantly, and the fireman was seriously injured. Jesse and his cohorts only found two grand in the safe, which they were none too pleased about, so they stole money and jewelry from the men on board. So you had to sit there in fear for your life as these guys took your belongings. Then they rode away on their horses and into Western Legend. Now, I’m not saying you caused all this to happen. It’s not like Jesse James was sitting around twiddling his thumbs, when your prayer for excitement sent a shockwave through the atmosphere that carried all the way into James’ brain like a bolt of lightning instantly causing the dastardly idea of robbing the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad train passing through Adair, Iowa. But I am saying that maybe you should just be happy with what you have. You’re on a train. There are worst places to be. No need to get greedy now. Next time, why not just pull out your iPhone and play Words with Friends. Oh wait it was 1873. Well you could have put on the radio or something. Nope. Radio didn’t even start experimental broadcast for another 30 years. Okay I get it. You were bored. But you could’ve read a book. Or played tic-tac-toe. Something. Better than tempting fate. Cause Fate ain't bout dat.

This day has been Marked.


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