JUNE 27th - Do You Have any More Gum? More Gum. More Gum.

On this day in 1960, Chlorophyll A was synthesized for the first time by Robert Burns Woodward. Supposedly it was a big deal. I’m sure it was, but dissecting exactly how and why it was big deal brings me back to that brief but dark time in my life when I thought about studying organic chemistry. Actually, that never happened. I mean maybe it happened in another dimension or universe where I stumbled upon Woodward’s work as a wee-little tyke and that chance encounter led me to devoting my life to uncovering the vast mysteries that science holds. But that didn't happen either. I don’t think. I wouldn't really know if it had, what with it being a separate universe and all. Still doesn't mean that ole RB wasn't a big deal. Of course, in certain circles Pee Wee Herman is a big deal--albeit for two vastly different reasons. Perception shifts, doesn't it? I mean, when somebody says chlorophyll to me I just think of Billy Madison (more like borophyll), which in turn makes me think about the most random part of Billy Madison when they all break out into song and the clown on stilts comes back even though you thought that he was dead, but he actually only had a hemorrhage in his head. What a great movie, by the way. That is only my perception. You may think it is the dumbest thing since green ketchup. You'd be wrong because there is nothing dumber than green ketchup. In any case, you should take a little time out of your day to remember an important event that was a really big deal even though I can't really explain why. If Thomas Jefferson was around, I'd ask him to do explain it. He would probably tell me that I was an idiot and that chlorophyll is one of the most important chemicals in existence as it is capable of transforming the energy of the sun into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis and that synthesizing that chemical was a monumental breakthrough in the world of organic chemistry. And I'd be all, “That’s pretty impressive, right TJ?” But he'd have seen through my little ruse. Because he’s Thomas Jefferson, and you have to do more than just figure out a way to synthesize a chemical building block to impress him. Making yourself invisible might do the trick. But I doubt it.

This day has been Marked.


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