JUNE 23rd - A Royal Flush Would be Nice

On this day last year, Nik Wallenda pulled off his dare-devil, death-deifying tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon without a safety net or a harness. Well it wasn't technically the Grand Canyon. It was actually a gorge in the Little Colorado River Navajo Tribal Park which, in case you're not too quick on the uptake, is home to the Navajo Nation. I'm not trying to poke holes here though. The exact location doesn't change the difficulty of the stunt. That crazy dude walked across a two-inch cable that spanned 1,400 feet across the gorge and was 1,500 feet above the ground. Which is high. Like Snoop Dogg going to Jamaica and coming back Snoop Lion high. Too high for me. I get that funny feeling in my tummy if I'm looking down from any vantage point over 30 feet. Which circles back to my Houdini point of June 12th. It's all rather entertaining, but certainly not a necessary life skill. Although perhaps it is a bit more useful than Houdini's straight jacket bit. I mean there could be a reasonable expectation that you may one day be chased by The-Hills-Have-Eyes type, mountain-mutant yetis that may or may not be hiding throughout the Grand Canyon, and the best and most logical mode of escape is to walk across a conveniently placed tightrope that will lead you into the safety of Navajo Nation leaving the mutant yetis standing on the other end of the gorge with their mutant thumbs up their mutant butts. Because everyone knows mountain-mutant yetis are awful funambulists. But you aren't. Cause you spent the majority of your life practicing for that exact moment, starting with the little tightrope your dad set up in the backyard when you were four years old. You ate, breathed, and slept funambulism. And it's why you are alive now. But then again...The-Hills-Have-Eyes-Mountain-Mutants could just be an urban legend, you could have spent your time learning something more useful--like accounting--and just walked around the gorge like a normal human being. But like I've said before--life's a gamble. Here's hoping you get dealt a good hand.

This day has been Marked.


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