JUNE 11th - Genaloing

On this day in 1983, Professional Bowler Don Genalo needed to knock down three pins out of the five that remained in order to win the Southern California Open. No problem for a talented young buck like Genalo, right? Unfortunately for Don, he miscalculated his score and intentionally gutter-balled thinking he had already won which allowed Jimmie Pritts, Jr to nab the win. This is why till this day, when someone prematurely celebrates a win and then does something stupid preventing said win, it's called "Genaloing." Some examples:

Did Terry go home with Angie last night?

Naw, man. Totally Genaloed it. He thought she was in the car with him and just took off. Didn't realize she wasn't till he got home. Total Genalo.

When players drop the football at the one yard line before crossing the goal line--A Genalo. When you don't show up to a test because you think your average is a 99, but it's actually a 79? Genalo. When you think you've won the lottery, so you tell your boss to go play dodgeball on the interstate only to find out, you did not, in fact, win the lottery. Hello Genalo.

Now you may be wondering why you've never heard the term "Genaloing " before? Okay, Okay. You're not going crazy. It hasn't really caught on except for certain pockets in North Merrick, New York where Genalo is from and the small town of Gordon, Nebraska (I'm not sure why). But it really should have, don't you think? It's a very accurate term, don't you agree? Feel free to perpetuate. And don't you go feeling too bad for Don Genalo. Because he didn't pull a Genalo over the course of his career, winning 6 national PBA titles, and probably a good bit of money. Genalo didn't Genalo it in the long run. And that's what we're all hoping for, right?

This day has been Marked.


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