MAY 29th - Who Was Fooled?

On this day in 1849, Abraham Lincoln said "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." And you know he was telling the truth. Not because his nickname was Honest Abe--everyone may have been lying about that. I doubt that they were, but if you're going to perpetuate a widespread and eventually completely accepted lie of a nickname, what's better than to have "honest" in it. But I digress. No, he wasn't telling the truth because of his "supposed" nickname, he was telling the truth, because there were people who eventually found he was a Vampire Hunter. I mean he fooled some of them the whole time, those people who just believed he was one of the greatest Presidents our Nation has ever had, and he fooled all of the people some of the time, but if you cross reference those two sections Abe was left with some people who knew his secret, thus proving the point of his maxim. If you consider the vampires he slayed people--and why wouldn't you?--then he fooled them exactly the right amount. But as he said, he wasn't able to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Because 165 years after he said this, they made a really cool documentary about "Honest" Abe killing all the vampires during the Civil War and whatnot. And by really cool, I mean, crap. And by documentary, I mean, crap. Whatever the reasons behind them...words to live by people.

This day has been Marked.


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