MAY 26 - Da Boss Owes Ross

On this Day in 1941, The American Flag House was given to the city of Philadelphia. Also known as the Betsy Ross House, this is generally acknowledged as the home where Betsy lived when the first American flag was sewn in 1776. I don’t need to stretch too much to imbue this post with significance considering it’s Memorial Day and the American Flag is a symbol of the freedom that all our brave veterans have fought for. But in case you need some added significance just follow my incredibly straightforward and impeccable logic:

Bruce Springsteen used the red and white backdrop of the American Flag for the cover of his 1984 album Born in the USA, which was quite the hit, further entrenching him in the hearts and minds of Americans, even though much of them (including the Reagan campaign) ignored the fact that the single was really about the negative effects of the Vietnam War. In any case, Bruce kept singing and writing because he was still as popular as ever, and 10 years later he wrote a little ditty called “The Streets of Philadelphia”—which just so happened to be where Betsy Ross’ house was. True, that song was referring to the HIV/Aids epidemic, but it won ole Bruce an Academy Award and probably helped Tom Hanks win as well. I’m all for unrelated coincidences. But that’s just too much in too short a time span. Betsy Ross sews the flag in a home that is given to the city of Philadelphia only 170ish years later, and mere 40ish years after that da Boss uses the flag as a backdrop on an iconic album cover just ten years before he wins an Oscar for singing about “The Streets of Philadelphia?” Basically, the Boss owes most of his success to Betsy Ross. You can’t even argue with that reasoning.

And on a serious note: thanks once again to all those whose sacrifice for our country to protect our freedom. Happy Memorial Day, All!

This day has been Marked.


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