MAY 16th - Hooray, Old Water

On this day, possibly the day before, only one year ago, the oldest water ever was discovered in a Canadian mine. I’m talking old here. Like 2.6 billion years old. I’ve seen some old water before. I mean I’ve left a cup of ice on my nightstand before and it gets prettay dusty after a few days. But 2.6 billion years? That’s really stinking old. That water may have been the very water that Littlefoot was searching for in The Land Before Time. Of course that would mean that The Great Valley was in Canada, and that just doesn’t seem right, eh? Sidenote: was there some prehistoric duck that Ducky resembled thus deriving the name, or is that name a really great anachronism, or were modern ducks supposed to derive their name from Ducky. Chicken and the egg? Or, maybe, that old-ass water has the alien DNA from the Prometheus guys. Who knows? Either way, hooray for really old water.

This day has been Marked.


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