FEBRUARY 7th - Life is about Moments

On this day in 1970, “Pistol” Pete Maravich scored 69 points in a loss to Alabama setting a single game scoring record that lasted for over 20 years. He only had 22 points at halftime, but then he went to a different gear. They still lost. But no one remembers that. Because greatness can transcend results like wins and losses. It’s a wondrous thing--to be truly great at something. Most of us only get a taste of it--though there are different kinds of greatness. And it seems that those who touch it like Pistol, those that are truly transcendent in what they do, are here only for a moment. Maravich died young and only played pro ball for 10 seasons. But that was long enough to give us some great moments. And I’ve come to believe that life is about moments. Moments that inspire. Moments that teach. Moments that wash the haze of the routine away and make you realize that life is extraordinary and the people in it are capable of amazing things. The odds are you will never spend a significant amount of time of with someone whose greatness is transcendent like Pistol Pete. But if you are lucky you will spend a significant amount of time with people who give you moments. Moments that stretch over the emptiness of loneliness and help you understand that you are alive. That you are special. That life is about moments. Thanks for the moments Pistol. And may all of you have your moments.

Little in this world is permanent, but a moment can be infinite.

This Day has been Marked.


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