OCTOBER 4th - Just Going to go Admire a Butterfly

On this day in 2011, Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam Riess were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining that the rate of universal expansion was accelerating. They used super-duper fancy supernova called type Ia supernova to determine through sup-duper fancy science that the universe’s expansion was actually accelerating. It’s mind-numbing to actually think about. The universe is infinite. That in itself is a mind bender. Like no one can actually comprehend how big the universe is. But guess what? Not only is it infinite but it’s getting bigger. Bigger than infinite. Whaaaat? And then just to top it all off, to completely melt your mind, the infinite universe that is getting bigger is doing so faster as time goes by. Whhha-whaaaaat? That’s some Keyser Soze, end of Usual Suspects stuff right there. Of course, I sometimes get awed by watching a butterfly. It used to be a weird, slug-like bug, and it turned into a beautiful flying piece of art. So contemplating the universe is practically undoable. Except for guys like Saul, Brian, and Adam who have super-duper fancy brains and can tell us common-folk with regular-smegular normal brains that the infinite, expanding universe is actually expanding at an accelerated rate. I’m not going to think about it too much though. Probably just going to go admire a butterfly.

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