DECEMBER 13th - Nuked. In a Fridge.

On this day in 2010, archaeologists found some really old bone soup in China. 2,400 years old actually. And still liquid. I realize that this was probably a monumental discovery. Not everyday you discover something that is 2,400 old, still liquid, and able to provide a wealth of information on ancient Chinese eating and cultural habits. But I do wonder if archaeologists are ever somewhat disappointed that their discoveries aren’t a bit more Indy and less the rednecks who go through people’s old storage units on reality TV shows. You have to figure at least 30-50 percent of archaeologists became interested in the profession when they saw Harrison Ford fighting Nazi’s, escaping booby traps, and covering his heart. I’m sure archaeologists give those perfect politically correct answers. That gaining insight into ancient cultures is far more exciting that anything that Indiana Jones did. And I’m sure digging through ancient burial artifacts is hella interesting, but come on. Don't you think that some archaeologists kind of wish they had a little of that Indiana Jones adrenaline rush? Just a little. Like some Lost Ark excitement. A slightly less big boulder perhaps. I doubt anyone wants Crystal Skull excitement. You know, when Indiana Jones got nuked in a fridge. Nuked. In a fridge. The excitement of that scenario dissipates with the knowledge that it is utterly preposterous and with the reality that Indy would actually just be goo in a refrigerator. The mediocrity of the movie also makes it lose some luster. But excluding the fridge nuking, I dare say archaeologists may be looking for a tad bit more excitement than finding a really old bowl of soup.

This Day has been Marked.


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