OCTOBER 11th - They Often go Hand in Hand

On this day in 2008, Luc Costermans set a world speed record for blind drivers when he punched a borrowed Lamborghini Gallardo to 192 mph on an airstrip near Marseilles. I'm not sure if this impressive or just nuts. Truth is, they often go hand in hand. You ever try to drive blind? I'm not asking if you’ve ever purposely made yourself blind and then tried to drive a car, although I kind of am. Maybe you were young and foolish and blindfolded yourself, or maybe you had a friend start an impromptu game of Scent of a Woman and covered your eyes. Or maybe you wear eyeglasses and are too young to wear Transition Lenses, and then one morning, on the way to work, the sun not only to discriminate against you, but decides to shine directly into your fogged windshield making your visibility less than zero so are you are pretty much driving while blind and may or may not have wound up on a median at some point. Maybe that is too specific of an example. My point is, if you were foolish enough to have found yourself in any of those situations, I seriously doubt you were driving 192 mph. Because that is just unsafe. Of course Luc had some wild navigation equipment, a human navigator sitting shotgun, and no one else on the road, but still--he couldn’t see where he was going. And he was going really fast. It takes some balls to do something like that. Or a lack of brains. Truth is, they often go hand in hand.

This Day has been Marked.


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