AUGUST 30th - Killer Bunnies and Mean Girls

On this day in 1979, papers around the country broke the story of Jimmy Carter and the “killer rabbit.” That April, Carter, an avid fisherman, had been fishing in his farm pond in Plains, Georgia when he noticed something swimming swiftly toward his skiff. A wild animal bee-lining for your vessel would probably freak most people out. But the level of fear would also depend on exactly what beast is headed your way. An alligator. Or a snake. Even a snapping turtle. They would all elicit some panic. But a bunny? Not your typical animal to strike fear into the hearts of the public. The bunny in Donnie Darko kind of freaked me out, but that was a suit. When I think rabbits, I think Velveteen. Or Easter. Hardly life-threatening. So I understand why people would feel President Carter may have over reacted. Don't want the Leader of the Free World fearing a bunny. That it is if you believe the tale as it was presented. All Jimmy actually did was swat the thing away with his paddle. Perfectly normal reaction. Sure bunnies are cute, but who wants a wet, wild wabbit flopping around in his boat? But when Carter’s Press Secretary leaked the story things started to take a more sensational tone. At some point the bunny became a “killer rabbit” and President Carter became a bit of a laughing-stock. Much of that has to do with his presidency and popularity. But it also demonstrates just how much politics and the media are like high school. The stakes are a little higher, as I doubt whether the fact that Tina the Cheerleader slept with her boyfriend Tommy the Jock’s best friend Paulie the Burnout would ever have national or international ramifications. But the fact that a simple story about shooing a bunny away from a boat helped destroy a re-election campaign screams of some Regina George underhanded conniving. Makes you wonder who actually runs the country. And also why would a bunny want to get in a boat?

This Day has been Marked.


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