MAY 11th - Being Funny

Many people postulate that this day in 1969 was the founding of a little comedy troupe called Monty Python. The group met after a filming of Do Not Adjust Your Set, and then met two weeks later, getting a green light from BBC on what would become Monty Python’s Flying Circus. I am by no means a Python scholar, but I have seen a good bit of their movies and skits. But I’ll discuss some classics. Monty Python and the Holy Grail holds a special place in my heart for the Black Knight alone. He simply epitomizes Peale’s whole power of positive thinking thing. But a scratch. Twas just a flesh wound. The Black Knight is a man of principle. He moves for no man. This is mainly because he gets all of his limbs cut off and therefore cannot physically move for any man, but that is just semantics. The point is that the Black Knight has integrity. No limbs, but integrity. So I admire the Black Knight and the minds that created him. Being that I still often have the mindset of a 15 year-old boy, the Monty Python skit/sketch/musing I enjoy the most is their 3 minute informational video on the versatility of the f-word. (I have included it at the bottom. Obviously it is not suitable for work, as the word ‘fuck’ is used a toonsy bit). I haven’t really expressed my fondness for the f-word in these posts, as I realize that some people do not share my affinity for the word, and I try to not to be overly offensive if I can help it. But it is such a versatile word, and I do appreciate versatility. I also appreciate the Kevin Costner Post-Apocalyptic flops that were Waterworld and The Postman, so perhaps I am not the best judge. But I like to think I have a solid grasp on humor, and Monty Python were freaking funny. Next to integrity, and perhaps not stubbornly getting all your limbs chopped off, being funny is probably the most important quality you can have. Unless you are going to be obscenely rich. And if you can do both...or better yet, all three you’re a unicorn. Or Monty Python.

This day has been Marked.


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