APRIL 28th - Mutiny on the Bounty--Take a Look, It's in a Book

On this day in 1789, there was mutiny in the air. It was the day that Fletcher Christian and 25 other petty officers aboard the HMS Bounty got fed up with Captain William Bligh and set him and those loyal to him adrift in a small boat in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Stories have three sides--yours, mine, and the truth. And the truth is usually unknown. In this case I’d be willing to bet that all sides are fascinating. By most accounts Bligh was an overbearing critical asshat who condescended to his men constantly--basically he was the Bud Kilmer of sailing. Bligh was the victim of three mutinies in his career. I mean after the second time you realize your men hate you enough to commit treason, you probably need to rethink how you do things. Of course some of this may have a bit to do with the fact that Bligh was an excellent sailor. So much so that he was able to navigate that small boat to safe harbor instead of succumb to the death sentence it looked like. But you have to be a pretty big dick to have mutiny happen to you three times. I’m not exactly siding with Christian and the men though. Sounds like they just wanted to stay in Tahiti and live like kings instead of doing the job they were assigned to do--bring breadfruit back from Tahiti. Not that I blame them. Kind of the problem that Brando ran into filming the movie in 1962. Not so for Gibson in '84. He didn't go crazy till many years later. Don't know about the Laughton/Gable '35 version. The actual Fletcher Christian and the mutineers bebopped around islands trying to find a home, stopping in Tahiti to pick up some plants, more men, and some females, before finally settling on Pitcairn Island. They were not discovered until 1808, with John Adams being the only mutineer that had survived. You can read about all of this in “The Bounty Trilogy” three novels of the events by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. They’re novels, as in not 100% factual, but as I said before the truth is usually unknown. Plus reading is like good for your brain and stuff.

This day has been Marked.


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