JANUARY 14th - The Gift of Time

On this day in 1914, Henry Ford introduced the assembly line for the Model T, dropping the time of construction from 14 hours down to 93 minutes. That’s a pretty big decrease in time. Over 12 hours. And there is no more precious gift than the gift of time. It’s why I don’t waste my time pronouncing the “h” on words like “human.” That half a second builds up. Eventually, while you’re still telling that story about your acid-tripping college anthropology teacher who had a wacky idea that humans evolved from birds, I’ve already finished telling that story and am currently enjoying some cookie-dough ice cream because I had extra time to run to 31 Flavors. Of course, the assembly line also cut down on the price of the automobile. More cars=cheaper cars. I think. I was never very good at economics. I slept through most of the classes in college. The instructor wasn’t an acid-tripper and was rather boring, but mainly, I never had enough time to sleep. If someone had invented an assembly line for rejuvenating the body, like if I could have packed in 10 hours of sleep into 60 minutes, I might be the next Alan Greenspan. Of course I’m not sure how an assembly line for sleep would work. Sounds more like the start of an X-Rated movie than a way to acquire rest and resuscitation. In any event, I slept through most of my econ classes, but not pronouncing my “h’s” gave me enough time to pass. And while I may have inherently done this without using Henry Ford’s model, I would have inevitably spent a longer time explaining myself which would have prevented me from doing world altering things. Like pondering how miserable attending high school 122 years, like ALF, would be. But then Melmacians seem to have been gifted with more time than umans.

This day has been Marked.


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