DECEMBER 19th - Peace on Earth or Messing with a Crossdresser

This day in 1958 was the first radio broadcast from space. President Eisenhower’s pre-recorded message of America’s wish for peace and goodwill went out to the world. The satellite’s batteries died after twelve days in space and it burned up when it reentered Earth’s atmosphere, but that message will always be the first transmitted from space. I don’t think you can really criticize Ike’s message. At least not without sounding like a horrible person. I mean who faults somebody for wishing for world peace? Granted the wish has become a bit cliché what with endless stream of beauty pageant androids ending every answer with a wish for peace on Earth. But you can’t really fault a President on a momentous occasion. Thomas Jefferson could. But TJ could fault anyone for anything. He was once stuck at a four-way cross-section and clearly didn’t not have the right-of-way but proceeded anyway, only to have his horse spooked by the horse and rider who actually understood the rules of a four-way stop. Right gets the right of way TJ. But TJ blamed that poor bastard and gave him quite a verbal lashing. So TJ probably isn’t the best judge of what should have been said. And, I wholeheartedly support Ike’s sentiment. However, I feel he also missed an opportunity to severely mess with some people. I would have recorded a couple of messages to royally screw with people's heads. Like, “Don why are you dressing in your wife's clothes while she’s away.” Odds are that somebody in the world named Don liked to crossdress. And a message like that would have blown his mind. Granted I’m being a little picky. Peace on Earth and Goodwill for all Mankind probably has a toonsy bit more altruistic value than blowing a crossdresser's mind. Just a toonsy bit.

This day has been Marked.


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