NOVEMBER 25th - A Most Momentous Event

I know that some of these historical days are rather frivolous. But one can learn momentous things from frivolity. That being said, on this day in 1977 occurred an event of such importance it amazes me that Ron Howard or Steven Spielberg has not had the vision to commemorate the event on the silver screen complete with a sweeping musical score by Hans Zimmer. The event, as I am sure that many of you have already guessed, is that on this day in 1977, one David Steed climbed on a bicycle and went absolutely nowhere for 9hr and 15 mintues. In the bike bizz they call that a track stand, meaning that Steed kept his bike balanced and stationary for 9 hrs and 15 minutes. He later re-established the record with a 24hr and 6 minute stand. Dude must have had a lot of time on his hands. Like all the time. The lessons to be had from such a feat are numerous and poignant. First and foremost, and despite what Thomas Jefferson might say, you never when you might have to stay completely still on a bicycle. For instance, lets say that global warming accelerates and dooms the planet in the next ten years, creating a dystopian society of survivors, until one man or woman rises to power and in order to satiate the (considerably fewer) masses develops a duel in which contestants have to stand absolutely still on a bicycle. First contestant that moves the bike or loses balance is thrown off a cliff into the frozen unknown below. Boom. Steed has taught you about determination and the will to survive. Or perhaps you just want to play a trick on a loved one that requires you stay absolutely still on a bike for 9 - 24hrs, which is admittedly a lot of effort to put into a prank, and I’m also blanking on exactly what you could do that would be humorous or scary, but I am confident that there is something. So there. David Steed is also teaching you about humor. Really, staying stationary on a bike to get your name in a book is one of the most teachable and all-around momentous events that has ever happened. And I’ll bet it impresses all the ladies.

This day has been Marked.


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