JULY 31st - Pip-pip. Cheerio.

On this day in 1967, George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood, eldest son of Henry the 6th Earl of Harewood and Princess Mary the only daughter of King George and Queen Mary, Khal of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Father of Dragons, married Patricia Tuckwell an Australian fashion model and violinist in New Canaan, Connecticut because pip-pip tea and crumpets that’s where all the Royals got married in the 60’s. It was George Henry Hubert Lascelles the Unburnt’s second marriage. The impatient lovebirds had a son, Mark, on July 5th, 1964 while George Henry Hubert Lascelles, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men was still married to his first wife Marion Stein the Austrian concert pianist (GHHL was all like, I’ll take musicians from countries starting with the letter A, Trebek), which really sucked for Mark because he was born out of wedlock making him ineligible to become Mark Second Name Third Name Lascelles, 8th Earl of Harewood. Of course if you’re a sunny glass full type of person, you might argue that Mark got the better end things because he was able to have the perks of a Royal family without having to follow all of the pip-pip, cheerio, watercress sandwich formal attire of it all. He could go all Prince Harry on it and have debaucherous parties in Las Vegas with women of ill-repute and just have people shake their heads with a half-smile and say, “Oh that Mark Lascelles, such a rascal,” but secretly envy his ne’er do well attitude. I have no idea if he did or not, but that is my hope for him. Because you should hope the best for you fellow man, whether that be ascending to an Earldom that places him 46th in line to be the Historical Figurehead of a country or just being an illegitimate child of an Earl from one of the Seven Kingdoms and a beautiful Australian fashion model/violinist who gets to party without being labelled a National Liability. Pip-pip. Cheerio.

This day has been Marked.


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