JUNE 16th - Some People Have Strange Bucket Lists

On this day in 1960, Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho opened in New York. While I don't want to spoil this for anybody, the movie is 54 years old today, causing me to think that sufficient time has passed and I won't be left with nasty comments about ruining the big twist. (SPOILER alert: Norman Bates has some freaking issues). But you never know. Watching Psycho could be on some people's bucket list. Hopefully rather far down the list since, although Psycho is a great movie, it would be rather easy to check off one's list, and I would feel a tad bit sorry for someone if that was the extent of their hopes and desires. But it could be a tandem wish. Like watching Psycho for the first time while trying to break the record for most hula hoop revolutions during the movie's running time. That's a completely admirable, (though decidedly arbitrary and strange) bucket-list wish. And who am I to judge? So to appease those people, I will not divulge any vital information that would alter this first viewing of the movie. Except for the fact that Norman Bates has issues. Which is pretty apparent from the get-go. You'd have to be a pretty dense character in a scary movie not see he was a few eggs shy of a dozen. Like the girl who goes up the stairs instead of out the front door. You'd have to be like that girl. So really, I think I'm okay in divulging that information. But I won't go into any more detail than that. Other than to say, you may want to take shower before you watch the movie. That's pretty vague though. You don't really know what I'm talking about just from hearing that. Because I purposely left out the context. There could be all sorts of reasons why I'm saying you should take a shower before watching Psycho. Perhaps there are characters in the movie who are consistently covered in mud, and I'm just trying to help you feel fresh and clean despite looking at grimy, dirt-covered actors. I'm not. At all. But I could be. Or maybe I meant that you should take a cool shower to keep your core temperature down in the face of an intense movie so you don't sweat profusely and scare the lady/man friend you're enjoying Hitchcock with. I wasn't doing that either. But you don't know that. Because I'm not ruining the movie for you in case you want to watch it for the first time while spinning a hula hoop around your waist. I've had movies ruined for me. Crazy, plot-twist movies. Fight Club? Ruined. Sixth Sense? I knew all six senses before I watched it. I still enjoyed them, but not as much. And Marked This Day is not out to crush anyone's dreams. So you watch Psycho for the first time while hula hooping. You hula hoop your butt off and watch that movie. Chase that dream. I won't say a peep about the movie's plot. Not a peep. Maybe a REE REE REE. But not a peep.

This Day has been Marked.


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