
Showing posts from September, 2017

SEPTEMBER 27th - Your Boss Might be a Phillumenist

On this day in 1892, Joshua Pusey patented an early version of the matchbook which he eventually sold to the Diamond Match Company (after a bit of a legal battle) and took a position as the company’s patent attorney. The matchbook is not a life-altering, world-changing invention, but you’ve probably used it at some point. That’s pretty nifty. Not many people can say they’ve invented something that a great majority of people have used since its inception. And the truth is we probably don’t know who invented many of the things we do use. Do you know who invented the modern fingernail clipper? Or the shoe horn? Or, shit, who gets credit for toilet paper? There should at least be an Unknown Inventor’s Day, in which we celebrate all of the unknown and underappreciated geniuses whom have made everyday life just a little bit easier. Sure, matches were around before the matchbook, but the book is quite a convenient way to carry them around. And matchbooks allow your local watering hole a c